Tuesday 25 January 2011

Warwickshire Youth Service reaches 5,000 Signatures!

This news just in at 6.20pm on Wed 26 Jan 2011

Absolutely fabulous news the total now stands at 2310 signatures online with 2703 signatures received on paper. A Grand Total of 5,013. We have reached and exceeded the target, but there is still 3-4 days left to sign the petition. I know of between 1500-2000 signatures are still to be handed in. If you have any that I am not aware of please email mechris.spreadbury@ntlworld.com to arrange collection. 

I will announce at midnight on Sunday the total signatures on the online petition at petition.co.uk and the total signatures on paper, however the e-petition on the Warwickshire County Council Website will remain open until Tuesday 1st February. What a great achievement! (from Chris Spreadbury)

SIGN NOW The Petition needs 5,000 signatures by 31 January 2011 SIGN NOW

Wik have just received this comment (12 Jan 1t 8.11am):
Now stands at 1247 across our two online petitions and 924 signatures on paper... a grand total of 2171. Still some way to go but we've got just under 3 weeks til the petition is to be handed in. I am aware of another 1000 signatures on paper petitions that are still to be returned.
Excellent progress, Chris Spreadbury

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