Monday 31 January 2011

Warwickshire Youth Service will submit 12,746 Petition Signatures!

Dear Supporter: Thank you, for your support. It’s been a mad few weeks, but this is only the start of our campaign to save Warwickshire County Council’s Youth Service. I have just closed the online petition at however the e-petition on the Warwickshire County Council will remain open until Tuesday 1st February 2011.

There were 545 pages of paper petitions received. There were 531 comments left on the online petition.The number of signatures achieved since mid-November is broken down below: Online petition  =   1473  Online  =    998
545 paper petitions  =   8830  Total signatures received Unite Petition      =    11,301

This total does not include those petitions that were independently arranged i.e. Shipston, Lillington & Campion, Rugby Youth Service or Rugby Liberal Democrats.  These may be able to be aggregated into our total. Total signatures received independent petitions   =    1445

So therefore the grand total of signatures to be submitted to Warwickshire County Council at 12pm, Monday 31st January 2011 on the steps of Shire Hall will be: 12,746

These figures are subject to the confirmation of the County Council’s Democratic Services Manager.

The County Council meets on Tuesday 15th February from 10am at Shire Hall in Warwick to debate their budget proposals and based on the overwhelming support that this petition has generated I do hope on behalf of all those who supported the petition that they have a full debate about this outrageous proposal to “Cease the Youth Service”

There is also an indoor rally in Solihull on Saturday 12th February to support the work of youth Services nationwide further details from

Thank you again for your support, Chris Spreadbury
Vice Chair, CYWU/Unite Warwickshire Branch

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Warwickshire Youth Service reaches 5,000 Signatures!

This news just in at 6.20pm on Wed 26 Jan 2011

Absolutely fabulous news the total now stands at 2310 signatures online with 2703 signatures received on paper. A Grand Total of 5,013. We have reached and exceeded the target, but there is still 3-4 days left to sign the petition. I know of between 1500-2000 signatures are still to be handed in. If you have any that I am not aware of please email to arrange collection. 

I will announce at midnight on Sunday the total signatures on the online petition at and the total signatures on paper, however the e-petition on the Warwickshire County Council Website will remain open until Tuesday 1st February. What a great achievement! (from Chris Spreadbury)

SIGN NOW The Petition needs 5,000 signatures by 31 January 2011 SIGN NOW

Wik have just received this comment (12 Jan 1t 8.11am):
Now stands at 1247 across our two online petitions and 924 signatures on paper... a grand total of 2171. Still some way to go but we've got just under 3 weeks til the petition is to be handed in. I am aware of another 1000 signatures on paper petitions that are still to be returned.
Excellent progress, Chris Spreadbury

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Successful Kenilworth Youth Projects Under Threat

Since becoming established in its new home in Abbey End the Kenilworth Youth and Community Centre has, under the direction of its youth leader Andy Norman, become well known for the innovative ways in which it has engaged young people.

SIGN the Petition to Save the Youth Centre SIGN NOW
Listen to Radio Abbey
For example two years ago Radio Abbey was established as a way that young people aged 14 – 19 could learn the numerous skills associated with preparing and broadcasting radio programmes whilst at the same time providing a service to other local teenagers via a broadband radio station. During the short period the radio station has been operating one of the station’s presenters has moved onto university and continued to present on the university radio station whilst another has secured work experience at a local commercial station.

More recently the Abbey Cinema has been established to reintroduce the Saturday cinema that many of the older generation will remember. In its six months of operation the cinema has built up to a point where audiences of 60 plus are a regular event.

Abbey Cinema 22 Jan
Both these projects along with other activities for the youth of Kenilworth are now under threat as proposals are before the County Council to withdraw all Youth Service funding over the course of the next three years with the implication that Youth services in Kenilworth would close along with all the others across the county.

Andy Norman Kenilworth’s Youth Leader said ‘We have worked very hard to overcome young people’s concerns that there is nothing for them to do in their spare time by putting on an ever increasing variety of activities. It would be a great shame if all this ended and the young people were forced back onto the streets to make their own entertainment’

The Management Committee of the Youth and Community centre are urging local residents to help preserve the services on offer to young people at the centre by signing the petition opposing the County Council proposals to cease funding the Youth service.  The petition is available on line and in the reception areas of all the Kenilworth Schools, the Youth and Community Centre and at various shops and businesses throughout the town.

For more information contact Andy Norman on 07920 071110 or 01926 855205 or email

Thursday 13 January 2011

Abbey Cinema Showtime for Saturday 15 January 2011

Arthur and the Invisibles
Saturday 15 Jan 2011 3pm
(£2 on the door)
Abbey Cinema Facebook Page
SIGN NOW Save the Youth Centre

Spring Playgroup Celebrates Anniversary – but will it be the last one?

SIGN NOW The Petition needs 5,000 signatures by 31 January 2011 SIGN NOW

Kenilworth’s Spring Playgroup has been running at it’s new home in the Youth and Community Centre for nearly two years.  During this time, they have been able to invest in new equipment, take on more staff and offer a far wider variety of activities for the children.  For example, the children use the sports court for outdoor play every day. There is a lot to celebrate. Numbers have risen – 90 children attend the Playgroup each week, including four pairs of twins! There is also a long waiting list. Kenilworth parents  have shown how much they appreciate having  a playgroup located in the centre of the town with up-to-date facilities and caring staff. 

The manager Jackie Cross, said, 'The Centre is the ideal place for our Playgroup.  We can’t imagine anywhere else with the same environment for the children and the same fantastic back-up we get from the Centre’s management team.'

The Centre is the ideal place for our Playgroup
While the Playgroup has flourished since moving to the Centre, the future of the Centre itself has suddenly come under threat. The County Council wants to save money by slashing the budget for Youth Services all over the county. The implications are that all Youth Centres would be closed. Kenilworth Centre, like the others, relies on county council funding for it’s running costs and overheads and if it is forced to close, all the community groups who use it would become homeless.

The children continue to play and learn together happily, but parents and staff are extremely worried. They are hoping enough people will sign the Petition to force the County Cabinet to think again. To find out more, contact Mrs Jackie Cross (Manager of the Playgroup) email: or call 01926  864443. The Spring Playgroup has 36 places per session. It is open mornings and afternoons, and has recently started a Toddler Group on Monday mornings. It is a not-for-profit Registered charity.  

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